Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are technological tools with diverse application fields whose growth is a reality. For the inspection of solar panels, these drones can transport high-precision and wide-range thermographic cameras, allowing a wider field of view. One of the main issues in the development of aerial inspection is the positioning of the aircraft. The drones generate the positioning due to various systems, mainly the GPS.  The information obtained is based on a thermographic image format, where the thermal variations presented by each inspected surface can be appreciated. The amount of data generated by this system is huge, due to the extension of the solar plants and the capacity of the system to capture video and thermograms. The post-processing of the data is an unfeasible question regarding time and cost since it would be necessary to review each of the thermograms manually. The project proposes a data processing system that allows the processing from an online platform. The user only has to upload the data and extract the results automatically, which is challenging for this project’s development.

The online platform employs Python for advanced analytics, mainly RCNN, but the users can use other techniques. The interface with the user is done using PHP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. Data, results, users and models are stored in MySQL. RabbitMQ is employed to manage the messages. The system can run in Apache or Nginx. Please access it at the following demo link, which uses a fake model to analyse the photovoltaic panels. It provides solutions as the panels detected and the hotspots together with the probability and marked by a box in the photo. The data details are also provided, and all can be downloaded in zip format. You can upload a photo or a set of images located in the same directory, you need just to select this directory. Please pulse the following icon to access the application:

Here you can get access to the application where the previous case is analysed but any model created by tensorflow in Python. In this case, you would need to order a login and password by email to ingeniumgroup.eu@gmail.com. In the following image you can see some of the models:

Please pulse the following icon to access the application:



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47 entries « 1 of 4 »


Kumar, Abhishek; Dubey, Ashutosh Kumar; Ramírez, Isaac Segovia; Río, Alba Muñoz; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Photovoltaic System: A Systematic Review and Analysis for Evaluation and Benchmarking. In: Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, pp. 1–25, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Ramírez, Isaac Segovia; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García; Chaparro, Jesús Parra: Convolutional neural networks and Internet of Things for fault detection by aerial monitoring of photovoltaic solar plants. In: Measurement, vol. 234, pp. 114861, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Fatima, Kulsoom; Minai, Ahmad Faiz; Malik, Hasmat; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: Experimental analysis of dust composition impact on Photovoltaic panel Performance: A case study. In: Solar Energy, vol. 267, pp. 112206, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Seng, Ung Kek; Malik, Hasmat; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García; Alotaibi, Majed A; Afthanorhan, Asyraf: Fuzzy logic-based intelligent energy management framework for hybrid PV-wind-battery system: A case study of commercial building in Malaysia. In: Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 102, pp. 114109, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Ramírez, Isaac Segovia; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: Machine Learning for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Large Photovoltaic Plants Through Internet of Things Platform. In: SN Computer Science, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 8, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Prasad, Dinanath; Kumar, Narendra; Sharma, Rakhi; Alotaibi, Majed A; Malik, Hasmat; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García; Hossaini, Mohammad Asef: Stochastic-gradient-based control algorithms for power quality enhancement in solar photovoltaic interfaced three-phase distribution system. In: IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 18, no. 22, pp. 3567–3578, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )


Prasad, Dinanath; Kumar, Narendra; Sharma, Rakhi; Malik, Hasmat; Márquez, Fausto Pedro Garcia; Pinar-Pérez, Jesús María: A novel ANROA based control approach for grid-tied multi-functional solar energy conversion system. In: Energy Reports, vol. 9, pp. 2044–2057, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Shrivastava, Divya Rishi; Siddiqui, Shahbaz Ahmed; Verma, Kusum; Singh, Satyendra; Alotaibi, Majed A; Malik, Hasmat; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: Data-driven unified scheme to enhance the stability of solar energy integrated power system in real-time. In: IEEE Access, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Ramirez, Isaac Segovia; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: Internet of Things Platform for Photovoltaic Maintenance Management: Combination of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System and Aerial Thermal Images. In: E3S Web of Conferences, pp. 04014, EDP Sciences 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Ramírez, Isaac Segovia; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: Machine Learning for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Large Photovoltaic Plants Through Internet of Things Platform. In: SN Computer Science, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 8, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Al-Dulaimi, Abdullah Ahmed; Guneser, Muhammet Tahir; Hameed, Alaa Ali; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García; Fitriyani, Norma Latif; Syafrudin, Muhammad: Performance analysis of classification and detection for PV panel motion blur images based on deblurring and deep learning techniques. In: Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1150, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Rezazadeh, Sevda; Moradzadeh, Arash; Pourhossein, Kazem; Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Behnam; Marquez, Fausto Pedro Garcia: Photovoltaic array reconfiguration under partial shading conditions for maximum power extraction via knight's tour technique. In: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 11545–11567, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Tajjour, Salwan; Chandel, Shyam Singh; Alotaibi, Majed A; Malik, Hasmat; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García; Afthanorhan, Asyraf: Short-term solar irradiance forecasting using deep learning techniques: a comprehensive case study. In: IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 119851–119861, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )


Acaroğlu, Hakan; Marquez, Fausto Pedro Garcia: A life-cycle cost analysis of High Voltage Direct Current utilization for solar energy systems: The case study in Turkey. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 360, pp. 132128, 2022. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Ramírez, Isaac Segovia; Marugán, Alberto Pliego; Márquez, Fausto Pedro García: A novel approach to optimize the positioning and measurement parameters in photovoltaic aerial inspections. In: Renewable Energy, vol. 187, pp. 371–389, 2022. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
47 entries « 1 of 4 »